The Columban Ireland-Asia Residence

The Columban Ireland-Asia Residence

The Columban Ireland-Asia Residence is a “welcoming community”, located in a house in Maynooth. It caters to Sisters, priests and lay leaders, mainly from China, who are doing language studies and third level courses at nearby St Patrick’s College Maynooth. The...
A Return to China

A Return to China

Last June Columban missionary Fr Kevin O’Neill returned to the Chinese city of Wuhan where he lived 11 years ago. He writes about some of the changes of the intervening years and the special Columban connection with this part of China. My last visit to China was five...
Interest in Teaching in China Revives

Interest in Teaching in China Revives

Now that Covid is fading into the background, interest in teaching in China has revived. Enquiries are coming in about the Volunteer Teachers for China, a Columban-sponsored programme also known as AITECE, with requests for updates on a number of concerns. Is it safe?...
A Lifetime of Challenges

A Lifetime of Challenges

“Please pray for us” is a familiar request from Li Qiong’s mother when I visit the family every two weeks in their simple apartment in a densely populated area of Wuhan, writes Fr Dan Troy.  Their home is located a short walk from the Yangtze River. The request for...