Thanksgiving Mass for Columban Jubilarians

Aug 15, 2024

On the Feast of the Assumption, 15th August 2024, Columbans celebrating their jubilees gathered in Dalgan Park for a Mass of thanksgiving.

The main celebrant was Fr Bernard McDermott, who was ordained 50 years ago this year and is currently based in Britiain. The homilist was Fr Pat O’Donoghue who also celebrates his golden jubilee. He is based in Dalgan.

Prayers of the Faithful remembered Fr Noel Daly who passed away earlier this year and would have been marking 60 years since his ordination.

Columbans celebrating their golden jubilees in 2024 (LtoR) Fr Pat O’Donoghue, Fr Sean Martin, Fr Bernard McDermott and Fr Vincent Busch. Image: ColumbanMissionImages

Fr Vincent Busch, who remains on mission working with the Indigenous Subanen people of the Philippines, was in Dalgan for the occasion, as was Fr Sean Martin, who also is still on mission in the Philippines. They are both celebrating their golden jubilees.

This year’s Jubilarians are:

25 Years Ordained:
Dan Troy (China)

50 Years Ordained:
Vincent Busch (Philippines)
Bernard McDermott (Britain)
Sean Martin (Philippines)
Pat O’Donoghue (Ireland)
Pat O’Shea (Oceania)
Dick Pankratz (US)

60 Years Ordained:
Donald Hornsey (Oceania)
Sean O’Connor (Oceania)

Ad Multo Annos!

Deceased Columbans of Dalgan Ordination class 1974
Willie Spicer
Pat Rafferty
Cathal Gallagher
Tommy Murphy
Ray Tierney

Former Columbans of Dalgan Ordination class 1974
Martin Burke
Harry McKay
Dan Dillon

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