The Irish Mission League
Sharing and Supporting
The Irish Mission League (IML) is one of the oldest support networks for missionaries in the country.
For over 100 years, members have been providing spiritual and financial support to Columban Missionaries in the fifteen countries around the world in which we work.
As a member of the IML, as well as providing financial support, we ask that you pray for our missionaries. We in turn will pray for your loved ones.
As part of your membership, you will receive a personalised IML book and regular updates on our mission work and our missionaries. See a sample of our booklet here:
I wish to join the Irish Mission League
Member’s Daily Prayer
Lord, for these few moments I come to
pray for the needs of others.
I want to remember especially all my
sisters and brothers of the Mission League.
I ask you to help those who are finding life
particularly difficult today. Remember
those who are suffering because of family
problems, and illness, a death; and those
who are burdened with worries of any kind.
Let them feel the support of Your love
through the care of their family and friends
and through the power of our prayers.
Strengthen our confidence in Your care and
help us to be channels of Your love and
compassion for those in need.