Documentary on Fr Noel O’Neill’s Ministry in Korea

Jan 9, 2025

“I had a dream,” Fr Noel O’Neill tells this uplifting KBS/Media Salt documentary.

The Columban missionary recalls how he took people with special needs from the ‘Beggar’s Camp’ in South Korea, where they were living in inhumane conditions, and challenged the accepted culture of keeping ‘them’ hidden.

He made ‘them’ visible and gave them new life in loving group homes where they live independently.

“Each tiny step forward is a success story and gives them a sense of achievement,” Fr Noel explains in the documentary, which is a celebration of every precious life.

Filmed when Fr Noel was 88 years old, the beloved missionary from Limerick is now 91 years old and has finally retired to Dalgan, home of the Columbans in Ireland.

If you would like to support Fr Noel’s projects with those with special needs in Korea, please donate online here:   Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to ‘Columban Missionaries – Fr Shay Cullen’ to the Far East Office, Dalgan Park, Navan, Co Meath C15 AY2Y or Tel: 00353 46 9021525.

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