Synodality and Formation for Mission

Synodality and Formation for Mission

Columban missionary Fr Frank Hoare spoke to the Federation of Conferences of Catholic Bishops of Oceania (FCBCO) earlier this week. Synodality and formation for mission were two of the three major themes of the bishops’ assembly along with the effects of a...
Fr Cyril Paul Murphy

Fr Cyril Paul Murphy

Cyril Murphy was born in Belfast on 5th November 1928. He was educated in St Teresa’s PE, Belfast, CBS Newry, and St Mary’s CBS Belfast. He came to Dalgan in 1946 and was ordained a priest on 21st December 1952. He was assigned to Japan and after initial language...
Fr Thomas Michael Murphy

Fr Thomas Michael Murphy

Thomas ‘Tommy’ Murphy was born in Castlebar, Co Mayo on 3rd of August 1949. He was educated at St Patrick’s Primary School and St Gerard’s Secondary School in Castlebar. He joined the Columbans in September 1967 and was ordained priest in Dalgan on Easter Sunday, 14...
Columbans prepare to hand over Ba parish to Suva Archdiocese

Columbans prepare to hand over Ba parish to Suva Archdiocese

Fr Pat Colgan is the last Columban to serve in the parish of Ba in Fiji. As the Columbans prepare to hand over the parish to the Archdiocese of Suva he writes about his ministry there and the interfaith friendships which he forged. The Columbans are in our last month...
Europe’s Ghost: the Immigrant, the Other

Europe’s Ghost: the Immigrant, the Other

We are who we are because of migration. Migration has created the world we are part of today, writes Columban Missionary Fr Bobby Gilmore. The immigrant has become a contemporary passion in Europe, the vacant point around which ideals clash. Easily available as a...