Your Donation Will Make a Difference
Please give a donation to the Missionary Society of St Columban and help us continue God’s mission as we work in solidarity with the poor living on the margins. Help us:
- Feed the hungry by helping them find ways to feed themselves
- Care for the sick who cannot afford medical care
- Educate the poor to help them end their poverty
- Cross boundaries of culture and country to build vibrant faith communities, enabling people to create better futures for themselves and their children.
Donating online to Columban Mission is easy and secure. Choose an amount you wish to donate and the frequency and then click ‘Donate Now’ to proceed to our secure checkout.
Donate Online Here

Alternatively, you can send a cheque payable to ‘Columban Missionaries’ to the Far East Office, Dalgan Park, Navan, Co Meath C15 AY2Y