Fr Francis Carr

Jul 29, 2021

Fr Frank Carr was born in Athenry, Co Galway on 30th April 1935. He was educated in Newcastle NS and St Mary’s College, Galway before joining the Columbans in Navan in 1953.

He was part of our student exchange programme and studied theology for three years in Milton MA returning to Ireland to be ordained a priest on 21st December 1959.

Frank arrived in Korea in 1960 and after initial language studies he was appointed to Kwangju diocese and spent a year in the parishes of Chindo and Mokpo before going to Huksando, an island parish in the Yellow Sea, until his furlough in Ireland in 1966.

The following year he was back in Korea as pastor in Yeon Dong, a new parish in Mokpo City for a full term of four years. He availed of the renewal programme in the EAPI Manila before becoming pastor in Kwang Chun Dong and Im Dong in Kwangju City until 1976.

His previous experience in the USA led to his appointment to Chicago until 1983 where he covered many miles promoting Columban Mission.

He returned to Kwangju for a further three years in the parish of Kwang Chun Dong before continuing his mission in Ireland. He joined the Promotion team for a few years and also did pastoral work in the parish of Monivea, Athenry.

It was in 1993 that he accepted the role of Bursar and House Superior in Dalgan and he became a valued member of the Regional Council for many years.

Until he retired in 2014, he devoted himself generously to the service of residents, visitors and staff. He ensured that a welcome and hospitality awaited all who came to this ‘home of Columban missionaries’.

Frank died suddenly in Dalgan on 28th July 2021 but death did not come as a surprise to Frank himself. He would tell us that he had little time left but he insisted on keeping going and looking out for others to the end.

May God reward his life of cheerful giving and may he rest in peace.

The funeral Mass for Fr Frank Carr can be seen here:

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