Grounds in Dalgan closed to the public amid Covid-19 pandemic

Mar 30, 2020

The grounds of Dalgan Park have been closed to the public as part of the Columban Fathers’ efforts to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

The scenic grounds are a popular amenity used by the public all the year around.

However, ahead of the weekend, the Regional Director in Ireland, Fr Ray Husband, decided to close the gates to the public because of the failure to social distance by crowds who descended on the site.

Speaking to the Irish Examiner newspaper, Fr Husband said, “We were trying to keep the grounds open for people but last week I got completely stressed out because of the crowds. There were cars parked everywhere and no-one was observing social distancing. It was out of control and dangerous.”

“We understand the need for families, especially with young children to get out and run around but we had to close it for the health of both the public and for ourselves.

“We have 48 retired priests in Dalgan Park and their average age is 80. There are a further 24 priests in the adjoining nursing home, many of whom are in their 90s. So they are all at risk and very vulnerable.”

“Covid-19 is a big word and we have put all the measures in place here of social distancing in the chapel and the dining room.

Fr Husband explained to the Irish Examiner, “The nursing home is in complete lockdown. No family or friends or residents are allowed to visit and all the exits are closed.

“As well as our brilliant staff, we have four Priests, including myself who are only allowed in to service the spiritual and psychological needs of these priests.

“These Priests worked as Missionaries in places like Pakistan, Korea, Japan, Fiji and the Philippines.

“We’ve all seen extreme poverty and worked through earthquakes and outbreaks of disease such as cholera and typhoid but we’ve never experienced anything like this.

“There are still 80 Irish Columban Priests abroad in countries like China, the Philippines, Peru, Chile, Pakistan and Myanmar. Many of the countries are now in lockdown but all priests are fine.

“There is very little we can do here but pray for everyone and that is something we are good at!

“Each night we have a Holy Hour and pray for our frontline workers in healthcare and retail as well as staff, family and friends. It’s our way of contributing and we will welcome the public back to share in the beauty of our grounds at Dalgan when all this is over,” he said

The Columban Fathers built the college at Dalgan in 1938.

Today it is a missionary centre and home of the ‘Far East’ magazine. It is also a retirement home for its missionaries.

Courtesy: Irish Examiner – read the full article here:

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