Discerning a vocation to be a Lay Missionary

Who Are We Looking For?

Are you someone who:
– has a sense of being on a faith journey
– has an ability to adapt to a new culture
– has a commitment to social justice and care for the earth
– has a sensitivity and openness to other cultural traditions
– has the capacity to learn new language

Basic requirements for acceptance:

– A committed Catholic aged between 23-45
– Single, married couples and families
– In good physical and psychological health
– Willing to make a commitment for three years
– Have had experience of pastoral or social work. Those with no previous experience will take part in ‘Accompaniment’ and ‘Orientation’ programmes.

‘Becoming a lay missionary’

Information Day: Every year we hold an information day – the most recent was on 24 June 2017. It is an opportunity to know more about the Columban Missionaries and the work we do. There will be a time for reflection and prayer to discern about your own life and where it is leading you at this time.
Venue: Dalgan Park, Navan, Co Meath.
See you there!

‘Come and See’ weekend

This is an information sharing weekend. It is an initial meeting with possible candidates where they:
– will get to know more about the Columban Lay Missionaries before they will make any decision to explore further.
– will have the opportunity to get to know other participants who like themselves are seeking information about the possibility of doing mission with the Columbans.
This is held every 1st weekend of each month or at a convenient time suitable to the group (or individually when necessary).

For further inquiries please contact: [email protected]