Reflection : September/October 2021 Far East magazine

Oct 7, 2021

All you who seek a comfort sure in trouble and distress
Whatever sorrows vex your mind or guilt your soul oppress
Jesus who gave Himself for you upon the Cross to die
Opens to you His Sacred Heart
Oh, to that Heart draw near.

If I could stand before the crucifixion of Jesus on Calvary, what would I feel or think? What would I do or say? What would you do or say? The connotation of the word crucifixion in the Old Testament was terrible and dreadful. This type of execution was reserved by the Romans for those who were found guilty of sedition against the State.

Public criminals, traitors and rebels were also meted out this same type of punishment. It was the most ignominious of deaths. It stripped the human person of his dignity and of all that he was entitled to. The Book of Deuteronomy 21:22 says, “When someone is convicted of a crime punishable by death and is executed, and you hang him on a tree.” Elsewhere it says, “Cursed be anyone who hangs on a tree.”

Jesus hung on a tree – two beams of wood, one vertical and one horizontal. The soldiers even opened His heart with a sword lest any vestige of life be left in His emaciated body. But even then, after all He had suffered, He whispered, “Come back to Me with all your heart.”

For a moment let us look at the crucifix. This is perhaps one of the greatest acts of Faith we can ever make. It is the deepest contemplative prayer we can ever lose ourselves in. We are looking at the Son of God who freely became human like us and who suffered intensely for me and you. He knows our needs and sufferings. When we look into His sad and weary eyes, we hear Him say, “Was there ever any suffering like Mine?” His arms are wide open inviting us to, “Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will refresh you.”

Let us make the effort to return to Him. He knows us better than we know ourselves. What a great sense of security and belonging we can have as we quieten ourselves and look into His face. His sad eyes are full of compassion and mercy imploring us to accept His tremendous love. We don’t have to say or do anything. He knows our needs.

Let us allow our worries and anxieties, our sorrows and sufferings be absorbed into His. Then the everlasting peace will fl ow into our hearts and souls. Jesus seems defeated. He has lost everything and has been abandoned by many. Why believe in Him then? Surely because He overcame death and rose again from the tomb in His glorified Body and returned to His Father.

He opened the way for everyone to rise from the dead and be united in the Heart of the Blessed Trinity for all eternity with all our loved departed ones who are waiting for us. They are already in the heart of the Trinity.

Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in You.

Sr Abbie O’Sullivan

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