Columbans Wish You a Happy and Peaceful Christmas

Columbans Wish You a Happy and Peaceful Christmas

Wishing all our supporters, friends, families and benefactors a happy, peaceful and healthy Christmas. With gratitude for your prayers and support for the life-giving work of Columban missionaries around the world. This is Fr John Burger’s Editorial in the...
Behind the Glitter

Behind the Glitter

As we prepare for Christmas, Columban missionary Fr Jim Mulroney reminds us to heed Pope Francis’s words: purchasing is always a moral act and not simply an economic transaction. “Ask about the labour, not the label,” Australian troubadour, Dermot Dorgan, says in his...
Lighting the Christmas Candle at Dalgan

Lighting the Christmas Candle at Dalgan

Putting a candle in the window is a very Irish tradition which is said to date from Penal times. At Christmas the candle was often lit by the youngest child in the house and put in the window to indicate a place of welcome to the Baby Jesus and the stranger....