We are an “Easter people”

We are an “Easter people”

A reflection by Fr John McEvoy in Fiji to wish all our supporters, families and friends a Happy Easter!  “He is not here.” Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 I can spend hours wandering through graveyards, reading dates and names on headstones. I...
Ba: It Was Hard To Say Goodbye After 70 Years

Ba: It Was Hard To Say Goodbye After 70 Years

Fr John McEvoy reports on the three farewell ceremonies held in Ba parish for the Columban missionaries as they leave Christ the King after 70 years of service. At the end of 1952 and the beginning of 1953 – 70 years ago – the Columbans took over the...
Columbans prepare to hand over Ba parish to Suva Archdiocese

Columbans prepare to hand over Ba parish to Suva Archdiocese

Fr Pat Colgan is the last Columban to serve in the parish of Ba in Fiji. As the Columbans prepare to hand over the parish to the Archdiocese of Suva he writes about his ministry there and the interfaith friendships which he forged. The Columbans are in our last month...
Kiribati President hosts state banquet for Fr Donal McIlraith

Kiribati President hosts state banquet for Fr Donal McIlraith

On Monday 16th January, the President of Kiribati, the Hon Taniti Mamau, hosted a banquet in honour of Columban missionary Fr Donal McIlraith. Fr McIlraith is from Macroom, Co Cork and has taught scripture at the Suva Seminary for the past 34 years. Over those years...
A Christmas Surprise

A Christmas Surprise

Last Christmas Fr Frank Hoare took a break from life in the Fijian capital, Suva, to return to a rural parish where he had worked previously. But his attempt at Santa Claus did not get the reaction he expected. Maybe it was because I wasn’t wearing the required red...