One Week to the Columban Schools Media Competition Deadline!

One Week to the Columban Schools Media Competition Deadline!

There is just one week to the deadline for this year’s Columban Schools Media Competition. Entries must be submitted by Friday 10th February. This year’s theme is: Building Peaceful Futures. Watch a video about the competition here: The competition is targeted at...
Columban co-worker presented with Pax Christi Peace Award

Columban co-worker presented with Pax Christi Peace Award

Columban JPIC expert Ellen Teague has been presented with this year’s Pax Christi Peace Award in recognition of her many commitments to justice and peace. Pax Christi has presented this award to those who have shown a commitment for peace and justice bi-annually since...
Prepare the Future – Vocation for Justice

Prepare the Future – Vocation for Justice

A recent collaboration between the Columbans in Britain and Million Minutes saw young Catholics come together for a series of online formation sessions during lockdown. Special guests included Matthew Van Duyvenbode from The Trussell Trust, discussing foodbanks, and...