‘Thank you’ from Columban special needs school in Peru

Apr 23, 2020

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

Over recent months I have been receiving donations from and through you for small projects I have been funding in Lima, Peru.

I’ve been spending the majority of this money on improvement schemes within our school for special needs children, Colegio Manuel Duato (presided over by fellow Columban, Fr Ed O’Connell.

Three of these are now at or near completion. Here are some photos of the projects as they near completion or on completion.

Two show me with workmen building a storeroom for all the artefacts from the cerebral palsy department (many of which have been bought with money provided previously by yourselves). Fr Ed is paying for most of the job from his reserves, I am just chipping in with a percentage.


Four show swings and see-saws specially adapted for use by cerebral palsy children. The playground was originally built some years ago by Columban Fr John Hegerty with funds from his country.

I’ve been able to repair, improve and re-paint everything under advice from specialists. I appear with two of our wonderful physiotherapists, Carlos (the chubby fellow in light blue) and Nancy (blue cardigan, white blouse, dark pants).

The last playground picture is an overview of the whole structure. I was able to pay for the strengthening and painting of the columns and beams, the stabilising of the roof netting and the re-painting of the wire fence – installed thanks to your donations in 2018.


Finally, the hydrotherapy pool. Recently, you all helped me rehabilitate it. The last item was the strengthening and repainting, in special non-drip solvents, of the metal roof beams. Here I am with said beams, accompanied by Carlos and our chief builder, César.

All the above came to a total of just over $11,000.

THANK YOU from me, and a huge MUCHAS GRACIAS from the children, staff and parents of Colegio Manuel Duato, Lima, Peru.

Best Wishes,

John Boles

If you would like to support this work at the Colegio Manuel Duato, Lima, Peru, please donate online at: https://columbans.ie/donate/ or send your donation to: Missionary Society of St Columban, St Columban’s, Dalgan Park, Navan, Co Meath C15 AY2Y.

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