Stories of Our Journey to Lay Mission

1 – My Journey with Victoria by Lenette T.
Victoria was one of the parishioners I got to know when I was assigned to Ashbourne in 2008. I got to know Victoria and her son Mark in my RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults) ministry. He was one of the candidates for baptism.
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2 – In Search of my God…’The mirror moment’ by Gracia K.
I remember one particular moment when I was standing in front of the mirror combing my hair. As I looked at myself in the mirror, deeper questions about life surfaced. The questions posed to me were, “Who are you?”, “Why were you born?”, ‘’”What should you be doing with your life?”, “Where are you going?”
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3 – Ballymun by Marife Padao
I was so happy when I received my mission appointment. I had asked God to give me St Joseph’s Parish, Ballymun in Dublin as my home here in Ireland. I had a glimpse of what my life would be for three years there. I then made a list of work to do and who to work with.
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