Music – A Bridge Across Boundaries

Music – A Bridge Across Boundaries

Celebrating lockdown Mass in Hindi provided Fr Frank Hoare with an insight into music’s ability to cross boundaries of culture and connect people. Fiji’s Archbishop Peter Loy Chong, like many others, realised the importance of social media when Covid19 caused...
St Columban’s lesson for the Season of Creation

St Columban’s lesson for the Season of Creation

In the third reflection for the Season of Creation, Fr Sean McDonagh speaks about St Columban’s Sermon I when he said, “Understand the creation if you want to know about the Creator”. According to Fr Sean, “Learning about creation tells us who God is in our world...
‘We must get the message out on the Season of Creation’

‘We must get the message out on the Season of Creation’

Eco theologian and Columban missionary, Fr Sean McDonagh, speaks about the importance of the Season of Creation for the Church and the planet. He highlights how changes in agricultural practices have negatively impacted ground nesting birds in Ireland like the...