In the Missionary Society of St Columban’s Annual Report 2022-23 you can learn more about Columban mission in places like Myanmar where thanks to our donors and supporters:
- 70 men and 11 women received drug addiction therapy at the Rebirth Rehabilitation Centre.
- 140 students attended our Mandalay Higher Education Centre.
- 943 pupils at our boarding houses, 120 children at the St Francis Xavier Orphanage in Myitkyina and 1,058 children in early childhood were provided with nutritional supplement.
Last year Pakistan was devastated by massive flooding in August 2022. Columbans helped some of those worst affected in the following ways:
- Distributed a total of 1,743 food rations including mosquito nets, medical and sanitary kits.
- The TB Clinic in Badin admitted 176 TB patients to nearby hospitals and 1,253 outpatients were treated.
- Medical outreach teams visited over 70 villages which have no direct access to doctors, and 8,754 patients were given free check-ups and medicines (mostly women and children).
- A housing project is in progress and aims to build 100 mud brick houses for families whose homes were destroyed or badly damaged by the flooding.
Read more about our work here: