Two Columbans feature in documentary on the Amazon

Two Columbans feature in documentary on the Amazon

This weekend a documentary airs on Newstalk Radio featuring two Columban missionaries working in the Amazon. In ‘From the Amazon to the Emerald Isle’, producer Brian Kenny looks at the connection between the Amazon and Ireland and the real impact of...
No Land to Live On | Jubilee for the Earth

No Land to Live On | Jubilee for the Earth

Because of the damage we are inflicting upon the Earth, more and more land is becoming uninhabitable. In 2017 alone, 68.5 million people were forcibly displaced by conflict, poverty, or environmental factors, more than at any point in human history. Climate change and...
No Land to Live On | Jubilee for the Earth

No Land to Live On | Jubilee for the Earth

Because of the damage we are inflicting upon the Earth, more and more land is becoming uninhabitable. In 2017 alone, 68.5 million people were forcibly displaced by conflict, poverty, or environmental factors, more than at any point in human history. Climate change and...
What the destruction of biodiversity means: Fr Sean McDonagh

What the destruction of biodiversity means: Fr Sean McDonagh

It is clear today that the destruction of biodiversity is having enormous negative impacts both on the planet and on human wellbeing. As humans continue to colonise and degrade many ecosystems on earth, this can lead to an increase in bats, rats and other animals...
Columban Schools Journalism 2020 Winning Article

Columban Schools Journalism 2020 Winning Article

Tacking Our ‘Throwaway Culture’ This is the winning article in the 2020 Columban Schools Journalism Competition in Ireland. It is by 16-year-old Trinity McKeever, a student of Thornhill College, Derry.  There has been such a focus on the waste from...