Fr Bobby Gilmore reflects on Mission in Fragmentation

Fr Bobby Gilmore reflects on Mission in Fragmentation

“I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance” John 10.10 In the old world of European empires the mission of the Church travelled with the expansive energy of empire as it did previously in the age of trade routes and great migrations by land and sea....
Latest news from the Columban Centre in Dublin

Latest news from the Columban Centre in Dublin

The Columban Centre is a joint project of the Missionary Sisters of St Columban and the Missionary Society of St Columban. It’s hard to believe but it is now over five years since the Columban Centre project took off the ground. Columban Sisters Monica Kelly and Lucia...
Columban Centenary Schools Journalism Competition Winner

Columban Centenary Schools Journalism Competition Winner

As part of the Columban Centenary celebrations, the Far East magazine invited students in Ireland aged between 15-18 to write an article on the topic ‘Migrants Are Our Neighbours’. Here is the winning article by Albina Haliti. Attention passengers. Flight 938Xh from...

Migrants are our Neighbours

As part of the Columban Centenary celebrations we invited students aged between 15-18 to write an article or make a video on the theme ‘Migrants are our Neighbours’. This is the Winner of the Schools Journalism Competition video category. It was produced by Claudia...