I owe my vocation to my uncle, ordained in Shrule in 1931

I owe my vocation to my uncle, ordained in Shrule in 1931

Rev Dr Neil Collins, Columban historian and author of ‘A Mad Thing to Do’ – the new comprehensive history of the Missionary Society of St Columban – gave the homily at the recent centenary celebration in Shrule. In his homily, Fr Neil explained...
Columban Centenary Celebration in Shrule

Columban Centenary Celebration in Shrule

Bishop Brendan Kelly of Galway presided at the Columban Centenary Mass in the parish of Shrule recently. The occasion brought together Columbans, local parishioners as well as Columban relatives. A special exhibition was prepared recalling the Columban missionary...
Columban Centenary celebration at Shrule with Bishop Kelly

Columban Centenary celebration at Shrule with Bishop Kelly

On 18 March 2018, Columbans from the Irish region travelled to Shrule parish in Co Mayo to participate in a celebration to commemorate the centenary of the founding of the Missionary Society of St Columban and the links between the parish of Shrule and the Columbans....